The term migration is a word of Latin origin, which literally means migration or displacement.

Migration is the temporary or permanent movement of people from one place to another.

Population displacements around the world have become a natural and necessary process in terms of form and content. The number of foreigners and stateless persons coming to Azerbaijan for work, business, tourism and other purposes is constantly increasing. The rights and freedoms of these persons are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Migration Code, international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, and the normative acts adopted in accordance with them.

The right to migration includes coming to the Republic of Azerbaijan, leaving the Republic of Azerbaijan, work permit, temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit, admission to citizenship, restoration of citizenship, determination of citizenship, obtaining a visa, etc. Violation of the requirements of the legislation leads to a fine, expulsion from the borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other legal consequences.

A foreigner is a person who is not a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and belongs to the citizenship of another state

A stateless person is a person who is not considered a citizen by any state according to its law

Our company offers foreigners and stateless persons the preparation and collection of documents required by the legislation, as well as representation in offices, institutions and organizations, in short, migration services.

Source: Migration Code
